Medicina naturista

Natural Therapies. The Liver Diseases And Natural TreatmentsThe Apiarian Pharmacy. As we promised to our readers, we add new pages to the liver"s diseases file, by consulting some therapists with great experience in the field: Dr. Stefan Stangaciu, a famous physician all over the world and Gheorghe M...

Natural Therapies

The Liver Diseases And Natural Treatments</b><b>The Apiarian Pharmacy

As we promised to our readers, we add new pages to the liver"s diseases file, by consulting some therapists with great experience in the field: Dr. Stefan Stangaciu, a famous physician all over the world and Gheorghe Motorca, a phytotherapist from Oradea, with significant results in treating the hepatic diseases.Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
"The complementary therapies require patience and perseverance"

Before describing the best cures of the beehive and the most useful medicinal herbs, a better understanding and applying of the apiphytotherapy gold rules in treating the hepatic diseases are of great importance:
· The treatment should be coordinated from the very beginning by a physician specialized in complementary therapies.
· The diagnosis should be as accurate as possible and should include not only a simple and superficial diagnosis of classical type (for example "chronic hepatitis type B"), but also the energetic diagnosis of acupunctural type ("liver meridian energetic deficiency"), the ayurvedic type diagnosis (occasional excess of "Pitta" on a "Vata" sensitive structure), informational type diagnosis (as in homoeopathy), the psychological diagnosis of the patients personality and so on.
· Different techniques of quick elimination of toxins, especially from the digestive tract, lungs, kidneys and liver, should be used before beginning the treatment itself, if time allows (especially in the initial phases or the middle stages of the disease). These techniques differ from one patient to another. Among the detoxication methods, let us also mention the following: special diets, with many fruit and vegetable juices + apicultural products; maigre day (if the person is healthy enough, if he is not weak and if the physician agrees); homoeopathic cures which help the detoxication (draining remedies); enemas; press puncture techniques which help the detoxication (the stimulation of some bioactive points and of the reflexogenic zones recommended by the acupuncture physician); psychotherapy and so on.
· The therapy should treat the cause and not the symptoms: viruses, alcohol, autoimmune disease, unhealthy alimentation, "toxic" life habits (as smoking), but also the excessive emotional stress, which induces or increases the fears and the anxiety or the choleric states (in the traditional Chinese medicine it is sustained that the liver disease can appear or become worse because of the everyday emotional agitation).
· The contribution of vital, nourishing substances should be provided in order that the liver should function better (water, amino acids, fat acids, glucides, vitamins, enzymes, oligoelements, minerals, hormones, oxygen).
· The contribution of the protective substances - bioflavonoids, antioxidants, bioactive components extracted from medicinal herbs - should be provided.
· Besides the above mentioned vital substances, the best energetic contribution should be provided, including the one represented by heat, bioelectric energy, magnetic field, bio energy (Qi) and, why not, love, affection and compassion.
· The medicinal herbs, the apicultural products and any other cures should be carefully selected, depending on their origin, composition, and their pharmacological properties, which are useful for the respective case, strictly individualized. Thus, every patient needs to receive his own prescription, not a "universal" prescription that cures any liver disease.
· Begin any treatment with new products or cures initially in small quantities, and then raise the dose gradually, until you reach the dose recommended by your physician.
· You should use more treatments simultaneously (synergetic action) and more ways of administration the cures orally (tea, fruit and vegetable juices, apicultural products), injectable (vitamins, amino-acids, glucose), ointments which have an effect of ameliorating the local and general blood circulation, (Apireven), suppositories (Miprosept, Carpicon), inhalations (essential oils with antiviral effect) and so on.
None of the mentioned methods can eliminate or to ameliorate by itself all the liver diseases, thus the combined use of such methods could be more successful.
· For a better nourishing and heating of the liver, but also for a better elimination of toxins - it is very important that the blood flood passing through the liver should be ameliorated. Methods as massage, press puncture, medical gymnastic, the Taiji Quan, the Qi-gong (described in the traditional Chinese medicine) and medical Yoga could be of a real help and should be used daily.
· A resting sleep and a good relaxation during the day obtained thorough special methods (as those described in Yoga for thousands of years and more recently in the modern psychotherapy), could help a lot in the healing or stabilizing process.
· The sick peoples environment should be as clean as possible, tide and the air in their room as fresh as possible. It is very important that the patient should be helped to think positively, optimistically and dynamically. In this sense, the family and friends of the sick people could have an amazing contribution. The psychotherapist"s advice must be asked for and strictly followed by every patient!
· The complementary therapies, especially in case of hepatic diseases, cannot be considered "flash gun" methods, with immediate effect; in most of the cases you need patience and persistence, in order to let the hepatic cells eliminate first the toxins, neutralize the noxious viruses and factors and then restart to regenerate normally, as they had done before the disease occurred.
· It is much easier to treat and cure an informed patient. For that thing to happen, the therapist should grant much time in order to show the patient the causes that led to the occurrence of the disease, the factors that are the patient"s worse enemies and most of all who are his best friends. In time, without exaggerating, every patient must become his own physician and a friend of the natural treatment cures and methods, which involve a great respect for Mother Nature!
The apitheraphy in the hepatic diseases

The pollen is by far the most important apicultural product. In the medical books, the pollen is the most mentioned apicultural cure and nutrient for liver diseases.
A second important product is royal jelly (with nutritive, antiviral effect, stimulating the hepatocites normal regeneration).
A third important product is honey, as both an apicultural product with maximum energetic contribution, and also with depurative effects (toxins elimination type) and according to recent studies, an antiviral effect.
The bee propolis has an undoubted antiviral effect, but also a protective role for the hepatic cells, due to its great concentration of bioflavonoids.

The apicultural products administration

First of all, observing the above mentioned rules. The apicultural products can be taken separately, especially when the treatment begins, to check out if they are well tolerated. After this, it is better to be taken together, to easily obtain the synergetic effect (for example the "Hercules" product contains honey, pollen, pollen extract and Box thorn (Lycium Barbarum) or the product "Apivitas forte" contains honey, pollen extract, apilarnil). The doses should be taken as recommended by the producer.
The recommended doses for an adult are the following:
· Fresh honey (preferably polyfloral): about 30-60 g /day (contraindicated for the insulin dependent diabetics; carefully and under medical assistance, 5-10g /day for non-insulin-dependent diabetics).
· Pollen (preferably fresh pollen, from the nearest apiculturist, dried at maximum 35 degrees): 30-60g /day. In case you do not have the pollen collected as described above, you may also use the pollen available on the market, mixed with honey and then with yoghurt or mixed with fresh vegetables and fruit juices (lemons, oranges, carrots, red beet, cabbage, cherries, wild strawberries, apples, box thorn, grapes, bananas).
· Royal jelly (especially the fresh one, which has a maximum antiviral and regenerating power): 1-2g /day, necessarily sublingual.
· Propolis as dried extract. Proposept (6-8 pills); raw fresh propolis, directly from apiculturists (3 - 5g /day it would be advisable to suck it and then to chew it before swallowing it); alcoholic extract (tincture 30%) 1 drop per body kilogram. Children aged 6 12 can take half of the adult dose; children aged 1 5 about ¼ from the adult dose. It should be better for the apicultural products (as well as the herbal cures) to be kept sublingually as much as possible before being swallowed. This method allows the absorption of certain substances. Even if the quantity of the absorbed substances is small, it is still extremely useful for the well functioning of your entire organism, including the liver.

Phytotherapy in curing the hepatic diseases

There is a large useful range of plants used in curing the hepatic diseases, with a direct effect in eliminating or neutralizing the causes of the disease or with a helping effect for a well functioning of the liver and of the gall bladder. Among these plants, the most important are the following : the Milk Thistle seeds (with an antihepototoxic effect) grind before use ; Artichocke (Cynara Scolymus) with an ameliorating effect in the gall bladder functioning, Common Celandine (Chelidonium Majus)-great effect on gall bladder, Savory (Satureia Hortensis) -great antibacteriologic effect, All Saint"s Wort (Hypericun Perforatum), Saffron (Crocus Sativus), Grip grass (Gaium Aparine), Milfoil (Achillea Millefolium), Melilot (Melilotus), Nettle (Urtica Dioica)-cleanser and mineralizing effect), Horse Tail (Equisetum) -mineralizing and antibleeding effect, Silk Corn (Zea Mays)-depurative effect, Common Bennet (Geum Urbarum) -antibleeding effect, Wolf"s Claw (Lycopodium Clavatum), Anise (Pimpinella Anisum), Chicory (Cichorium) antiobstructive effect.
In chronic hepatitis the following medicinal herbs are recommended: Bilberry bush (Vaccinium Myrtillus) leaves and fruit, Nut tree/Filbert (Corylus Avellana) buds, Artichoke (Cynara Scolimus), Box thorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides), Chicory (Cichorium), Lavender (Lavandula), Stone Lichen (Lichen Islandicus), Dandalion (Taraxacum Officinale) root and herb depurative, diuretic, Pine tree (Pinus) buds, Epilobium/Willow herb (Epilobium) with little flowers, Melilot (Melilotus), All Saint"s Wort (Hypericun Perforatum), Nettle (Urtica Dioica).
I n hepatic cirrhosis are recommended: Box thorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides), Wolf"s Claw (Lycopodium Clavatus), Epilobium (Epilobium), Melilot (Melilotus), Common Bennet (Geum Urbarum), Shepherd"s Purse (Capsella Bursa Pas-toris) and Horse Tail (Equisetum) antibleeding.
It is the physician specialized in complementary therapies the only one who can prescribe which of above mentioned cures are the most useful and who can recommend the dose and the most proper administration ways for every case.Florentin Popa

Dr. Stangaciu may be contacted at the Medical Centre of Diagnosis and Treatment "Aly Crys Med" in Bucharest, str. Rosia Montana, nr. 6, bl. O7, sc. B, ap. 6, sector 6, phone 021/430.33.65

</b><b>Gheorghe Motorca
"Most of the hepatic diseases are curable"

The "Green Pharmacy" consulting room from Oradea recommends the sick people complex treatments which consist in mixtures of medicinal herbs for tea, extracts and tinctures of apicultural herbs and products for hepatic diseases. Unfortunately, we cannot provide examples of herbs mixtures, or prescriptions that the readers of your magazine may use because we strictly individualize the treatment. There are not 2 patients who received the same mixtures of herbs and tinctures at the "Green Pharmacy". After a 25 years experience in the phytotherapy field we can say that the most of the hepatic diseases are curable. For example, a hepatic steatosis can be cured in 3 6 months of treatment, hepatitis between 6 months and 1 year and in case of cirrhosis or hepatic tumors the treatment can take between 1 and 2 years. In almost all of the cases, the lab analyses show substantial improvements after the first month of treatment and the troubling symptoms of the disease gradually cease. The important thing is that the phytotherapeutic treatment has no contra-indications; it can be taken at the same time with any other natural or allopathic treatment.
The best witnesses of my cures are my own patients and I shall enumerate some of those who underwent the treatment:
-Chronic hepatitis type C : Zamfira Lichtl (34 years) Bucharest, phone : 021/655.56.76
· Hepatic cirrhosis : Constantin Coman (60 years) Bucharest, phone : 021/220.43.88;
Gavrila Coman (70 years) Brasov,phone 2068/13.45.17; Alexa Rus (66 years) Cluj Napoca, phone : 0264/16.89.18; Stanciu Ana (59 years) Tulcea, phone : 0240/51.61.88.
· Hepatitis with viruses type B and C : Ioan Baciu (44 years) Voluntari, S.A.I., phone no. 021/655.07.75
· Hepatic tumour : Vasile Patrasca (47 years) Campina, Prahova (tumour that cannot be
Surgically removed cured in 10 months); Ioan Necula Ivesti, Galati (hepatic metastasis was cured after undergoing the treatment); Florica Zdrinca (36 years) Beius, Bihor, phone no. 0259/21.11.26
(The doctors stated that he had only 1 month left to live cured).
Mr. Gheorghe Motorca can be contacted at the "Green Pharmacy" consulting room, Oradea,
Str. Leonardo da Vinci, nr. 30, bl. Pc 38, ap. 1, Cartier Nufarul Ii, phone no. 0259/12.52.52, 46.77.04, 0744/57.05.85, 0745/52.19.88.