Medicina naturista

Natural Therapies. . The Liver File - the endThe Most Effective Treatments Published In "Formula As". Nature cures! The tens and hundreds of letters of our readers prove this fact; using cures based on plants, honey, vegetables and fruit, many people got over different diseases, from the common colds...

Natural Therapies

The Liver File - the end</b><b>The Most Effective Treatments Published In "Formula As"

Nature cures! The tens and hundreds of letters of our readers prove this fact; using cures based on plants, honey, vegetables and fruit, many people got over different diseases, from the common colds to cancer, leukemia, cirrhosis or cerebrospinal sclerosis. The liver diseases are not exceptions. Along the years, tens of cures published in this magazine have been amazingly effective. At the end of a medical file - The Liver- we republish a few of the most effective receipts.

1. Receipt made up of four roots

It is a remedy that includes two new components: mulberry tree (Morus Alba) root and the hip rose (Rosa canina) root. This treatment was notified to us by a reader from Brasov, who witnessed the miraculous recovery of a patient who suffered from cirrhosis in the advanced phase and who had been sent to die at home; this patient was completely recovered in a few months time, by undergoing this treatment. With the help of the same treatment, a reader from Magurele - Prahova, Mrs. Georgeta Stanciu, got cured of hepatitis and psoriasis. Here is the receipt:
Preparation: In 3 liters of water you should boil 3 teaspoonfuls of minced mulberry tree (Morus Alba) root and 1 teaspoonful of each of the following plants: hip rose (Rosa canina), twitch (Agropyrum repens) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). This mixture should boil over a moderate fire until there remains just 1 liter of water; then, you should lay the pot aside, add half a teaspoonful of common celandine (Chelidonum majus) and let it get cool; after this, you should strain it.
Administering: during the whole day, you should take 1 liter of this mixture without having eaten anything before; the next day you should prepare another portion (you should always drink fresh tea). In case of ascites, you should take the treatment until the abdomen reaches the normal volume; then, you should stop taking it for two weeks and after this, repeat the procedure.
A few important observations:
· In order to mince the mulberry tree and hip rose roots - arborescent species with very hard, woody roots - you should use a razor blade to cut thin splinter from the root, as if you sharpened a pencil.
· The mulberry tree root is extremely important in case of ascites (liquid accumulation in the abdominal cavity), helping the liquid to be eliminated during urination. Because of this root, while drinking this tea, you will urinate very often, and the urine will be red at the beginning of the treatment - normal symptoms, which show that the curing process has started.
· While undergoing this treatment, you should keep a strict diet - you should not eat meat, fats, frying and not drink alcohol; you should also completely rest in bed during the first two-three weeks.
· After being cured, you should repeat the procedure for one-two months every year.

2. Treatment based on wolfs claw, sweet calamus and horse tail cataplasms

This is a more complex treatment, which uses two well-known phytotherapy plants: wolfs claw (Lypocodium clavatum) - a bitter plant, extremely effective in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis - and sweet calamus (Acorus calamus) - an aromatic plant that has a very complex therapeutic action. The treatment is very effective in treating the viral hepatitis A and B, the cirrhosis, the hepatic cancer, as well as the hepatic hemangioma. You should be aware that the wolfs claw (known as one of the most important anti-alcoholic plants) is very efficient for those who have the liver sick because of alcohol drinking.
Way of preparation and administering:
Receipt 1- Wolfs claw tea: put 1-1 ½ teaspoonful of minced wolfs claw and 2 teaspoonfuls of stinging nettle leaves into a mug of water; let them steep from evening till morning (8-10 hours), strain them and put the steeping aside. The plant remained after straining should be soaked in one more mug of boiling water, and then let to get cool; after this it should be strained. In the end you should combine the two mixtures, thus getting about ½ l (two mugs) of tea. Drink one mug in the morning, without having eaten anything before and one mug in the evening, half an hour before having dinner. If liquids are inadvisable, you should use the powder from the same plants. Mix 1 teaspoonful of wolfs claw powder with 2 teaspoonfuls of stinging nettle and take this quantity of plant in two stages, without having eaten anything before, in the morning and in the evening.
Receipt 2 - Cold steeping of sweet calamus: in the evening, put 1 spoonful of minced root to steep into 250 ml of cold water. Strain it the next day in the morning and drink 2 spoonfuls half an hour before and after the main meals, which means 6 times a day.
Receipt 3 - Horse tail (Equisetum) cataplasms: put 2 handfuls of plant in a sieve, over a pot in which water is boiling, so that the plant should be steamed. When it becomes soft and hot, you should wrap it in a cotton or lint cloth and then apply it on the liver area and cover it with a towel and with a woolen scarf. Afterwards you should go in bed and cover yourself with a blanket (if it is possible, stay there for the entire night). It is important to know that if a discomfort sensation occurs when you apply the hot cataplasm, then let the plant get cool a little bit before applying it.</b>
</b><b>An edifying case

Mrs. Draganescu Olga from Simeria, Jud. Hunedoara underwent the treatment with these plants which were extremely effective against a liver disease that the doctors could not cure. Here is her story, told by herself: "In 1996, two years after undergoing a gall bladder surgery, two haemangiomas of different size (18 and 8 mm) appeared on both liver lobes. In a months time I lost 6 kg and I used to get tired very easyly. I was advised to go to Cluj, to see a doctor who later corroborated the diagnosis and told me that nothing could be done and that there was no treatment against my disease. As I was subscribed to the "Formula As" magazine, I began to look for natural receipts recommended against the liver diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis. So, I prepared a treatment with wolfs claw and stinging nettle tea, with sweet calamus steeping and hot compresses with horse tail, applied on the liver area. I underwent this treatment for three months, accompanied by the following diet: a lot of soft cow cheese, yogurt, toast, very little boiled (stewed) meat and many fruits. After undergoing this treatment, I saw the doctors and they were amazed to see that one of the hemangioma had disappeared and the other one had got smaller. At present I feel very well. A recent echography showed no hemangioma. I do not want to finish this story without saying that I really trust the "Formula As" magazine".

3. Onion leaven in plum brandy

Mrs. Felicia C. from Pitesti presented us with this treatment; she witnessed the healing of one of her colleagues, who suffered from cirrhosis and whom the doctors had told that he had at most three weeks left to live. Without any doubt, it is the most amazing remedy I have ever met as it uses two unusual ingredients: the plum brandy (the alcohol is the most dangerous enemy of the liver) and the onion (which is rather irritating for a sick liver). The only reason for which this remedy has been included in this grouping is its proved efficiency. Here is the receipt:
Way of preparation: Put 1 kg of finely minced water onion (which is longish and has a rather sweet taste) into 5 l of plum brandy (strong mark brandy, which is obtained from the grapes steeping); let it steep near a warmth source for 15 days and in the meantime stir it up two-three times a day. After the maceration steeping process is over, the mixture gets a yellowish color, like the color of the straw. Then strain it and introduce it into well corked up 1 l bottles; keep them in a cool and dark place. Drink 30 ml (about 2 spoonfuls) of this mixture every day in the morning, without having eaten anything before; then lay down on your right side for 30 minutes. Afterwards you may eat (you should keep a strict lacto-vegetarian diet). While undergoing the treatment you should not smoke, should not use spices and should not drink coffee, alcohol, soda, and synthetic juices. After you finish the entire quantity of the mixture, only if it is necessary, you should repeat the procedure after a 30 days break.
Important observations:
· In order for the alcohol not affect the already sick liver, the mixture should be dissolved into water (at least one mug for a dose of 2 spoonfuls); this procedure will make the alcohol reach an acceptable threshold.
· At the same time with this treatment, you may undergo some other treatments, too.
· The woman who sent us the receipt wanted to add at the end of her letter (published in Formula As nr. 351):" If this receipt, which is a miracle, is accompanied by prayers and faith in God, the recovery will be much faster".

</b><b>4. Common celandine, epilobium and artichoke

This group of plants is undoubtedly efficient in treating the liver diseases. We have presented each of these three plants in our magazine many times. Let us point out just a few of their essential qualities: Common celandine (Chelidonum majus) is the raw material for almost 20 medicines against hepatic diseases produced in the West (France, Switzerland and Germany); it has well known anti-viral properties (it is efficient in all types of hepatitis: A, B, C, D and E), draining and hepatic cell regenerating properties. Artichoke (Cynara scolymus), along with its well-known hepatic tonic quality, also helps the liver regain its normal structure (which is very important for those who suffer from advanced cirrhosis). Epilobium (Epilobium Montana) is a traditional remedy in the Romanian popular medicine, extremely effective against cirrhosis and hepatitis. Among the therapists who use this plant is eng. Ioan Groza from Arad, who found out the secret of using it from a peasant from village Varciorog, jud. Bihor.
Here is the way you should use these plants:
Way of preparation: grind each plant finely using the electric coffee mill and then sift it using the bolter for white flour. Equal parts of artichoke and epilobium should be mixed; take 1 teaspoonful of this mixture, add the quantity equal with one point of a knife (0.25g) of common celandine powder. You should take four doses of this kind a day, without having eaten anything before. The plant should be put under your tongue and kept there for 10-15 minutes and then swallowed with water. The treatment should be undergone for at least 6 months if you suffer from acute or chronic hepatitis and 2 years if you suffer from hepatic cirrhosis. In case of biliary diskinesis, colecistis and dyspepsia you should undergo the treatment for two weeks, followed by a one week break and then repeat the procedure.
Important observations:
· It is very important that you should dose the common celandine powder separately, as it has a high degree of toxicity and it may produce poisoning by overdosing if mixed unhomogenously with other powders.
· The plants powders should be sifted carefully, as, after long term treatments with plants taken sublingually, wounds in the mouth may occur; they are extremely troublesome because of the mechanical action of the insufficiently ground plant pieces.

5. Aloe cure

The aloe (aloes) is a plant that has longish, pulpy leaves that are covered by a layer resembling the wax. It may be grown at home, in flowerpots or it may be bought from the market from the flower-shop, where it may be found more and more frequently (the average price of a ripe aloe, depending of the size of the plant, is 50000-100000 lei). Generally, 3-5 year old plants should be used, as this is the period they have the most therapeutic power. Aloe Vera is extremely efficient in treating the liver diseases, through the two active substances it secretes: latex - a substance that has a bitter taste, hepatic tonic, laxative and stimulating effects; and gel - that has a neutral taste, immune-stimulating properties, which also stimulates the detoxication process. Aloe and artichoke are the only plants in the world known to facilitate the recovery of the normal structure of the liver- essential element in curing the cirrhosis. The aloe cure is also effective in curing viral hepatitis of all kinds (A, B, C, D, E) both in chronic phase and in acute phase.
Way of administering: you should take the raw plant, from which you should tear a piece of leaf of a length twice as much the length of the forefinger; eat it without having eaten anything before, one in the morning and one in the evening. The leaf should be torn, washed well under the cold-water jet and then it should be immediately eaten, being chewed very well (at least 40 times). The leaf should be gathered (torn) just before it is eaten, otherwise its properties will be lost. The treatment should be undergone at least for 4 weeks; during this time you need 2-3 mature (full grown) plants (over 3 years) of aloe.
A few important additions
This seemingly rudimentary treatment emphasizes aloe - this exceptional plant -. Especially the aloe gel, which is extremely unstable and oxidizes immediately after it is prepared, is extremely well assimilated by the organism through this way of administering. The imported aloe gel, not only that it is extremely expensive (a five day treatment costs almost one million lei), but it also contains synthetic stabilizers (especially Sodium Benzonate) which are injurious to health. The receipt based on aloe steeped in wine and honey is not advisable, as, during steeping, a lot of useful substances of this plant are destroyed. The aloe cure may be associated with any other treatment, be it natural or allopathic, as it does not have any contraindication, except the cases of chronic or acute diarrhea.Ilie Tudor

A few exceptional remedies, which may be bought from pharmacies or shops that sell natural products:

Hepatobil- ordinary tablets obtained from an extremely successful combination of Romanian plants, which have a high protection degree and stimulates the liver regeneration. The "Planta Vorel" company from Piatra-Neamt produces this remedy and it may be bought from pharmacies and Plafar- shops that sell natural products. You should take 2 tablets two-three times a day, without having eaten anything before, if you suffer from liver diseases (especially hepatitis) and from biliary diseases (diskinezia, colecistitis and dyspepsia).
Liv 52- is probably the most appreciated natural medicine against liver diseases in our country and in the world. In the course of time, our readers have reported how they got cured of some diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, hepatic insufficiency etc. by undergoing a treatment with this remedy. This product may be bought from any pharmacy fin our country, in the form of tablets.
Hercules and Multifruct Total Forte 1 - the association of these two products, conceived by the therapist Vasile Popa and produced by "Natura Medica" company, proves to be very effective in curing the hepatic diseases, especially when the patients feel weak and devitalized. These two products, which have a synergic action, stimulate the organisms immunity, this being an extremely important element, especially in the viral hepatitis.